Mon, Jun 11, 2018 at 12:45PM

7 Ways to Cool Down Your Summertime Soccer Routine

Soccer is one of those surefire ways to work up a sweat… especially during the peak of summer!

Fortunately, when you’re ready to play, there are a few simple tips that will help you keep your cool. Read on to see our top picks.

Start cool, stay cool

For many soccer players, there’s nothing better than the promise of an icy cold shower after a hot game to power them through those last final minutes. But did you know that it can be equally helpful to take that cold shower before the big game? As Dr. Jamie Pringle, senior physiologist at the English Institute of Sport, told the BBC, something as simple as a cold shower or drink in the hours leading up to the game can keep your body’s core temperature low—while, contrastingly, very hot meals and other sources of heat can raise it, which isn’t what you want on a hot game day. So maybe opt for a cool fruit salad, cold shower and, of course, plenty of water as you get into your pre-game routine!

Lather on the sunscreen

Sunscreen isn’t just for the pool or beach. As you run around the field, sunscreen will help prevent sunburn (which can heat you up further), so it’s a must for keeping cool. Fortunately, sunscreen also has the instant cooling benefit, too, and can make your skin more comfortable right as you apply it. The cooling touch is pleasant and practical, so take time to lather on the sunscreen before playing and whenever you get a break.

Be an early bird (or a night owl…)

While you may not be able to control the time of pre-set events, like games or camps, casual games with friends are in your hands. Schedule them early in the morning, or in the hours after sunset, to have fun playing without being too hot.

Bring a couple water bottles

As always, plenty of water is key! Pack one big bottle with water and ice, so that it replenishes automatically over the course of your gameplay. Bring along another water bottle to be refilled, and let it serve as a communal water spritzer—the solution to those times when you and your team simply want to douse yourself in cool H2O!

Toss on a hat

If you’re just practicing footwork, shooting, or other basic drills that don’t involve heading the ball, it can be helpful to toss on a hat to keep your head and body cool.

Go with the wind

While it may seem like an obvious tip, sitting downwind (where the breeze blows directly onto you) can really help to keep you cool! Take breaks whenever you need them and let yourself cool off. It also doesn’t hurt to bring along a pocket battery-powered fan, since it lets you cool down a bit without requiring any energy on your part.

Try a fresh take on soccer

Want to play soccer on an especially hot day? Try mixing it up! Playing at the beach is a fun option—not only does running in the sand strengthen your legs like nothing else, but it gives you the chance to splash into the water whenever you want to cool off. You can also seek out indoor soccer opportunities in your area so that you can stay on top of your game with ease.

As the game heats up, we hope these tips help you cool down! As for picking the perfect uniform for staying cool, be sure to call Squadra to find hats, lightweight jerseys and other cool essentials for your summertime sessions.

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